Thursday 11 March 2010

Dr. Something something, Qadri

This is in response to an article I read today.

It is regarding a press conference held by Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri regarding the actions of suicide bombers and militant's who act under the banner of Islam. I'm not going to copy and paste the whole text. It would be arduous to read through. I will however highlight points which take my interest.

If you wish to read the article, which summarizes his speech, you can find it here:'Terrorism-and-Suicide-Attacks'-the-Press-Conference-of-Dr.-Tahir-ul-Qadri.htm

There are a few issues I would like to voice about this text, however let me first make clear my stance on suicide bombing.

It is bad. It's really, really bad. It is bad for many reasons, ranging from the targets that are usually picked- civilians, it is bad because it is suicide, which in my religion is forbidden. It is bad because it demonstrates the level of disparity that a person has dropped to, that they would sacrifice their own life in such a way. It is an expression of such dire destitution and highlights the terror that people must live through that would lead them to undertake such a terrible action.

I would also like to say that while what the good doctor is saying is based undoubtedly on years of teaching and studying and from various sources, my humble OPINION is based solely on what I have seen as a spectator and a very basic understanding of my religion, passed on to me from my parents. I'd also like to think my morality and judgement play a part in what I say and that I'm commentating on this tender subject with as much empathy as I have.

As much of Dr. Qadri's speech comes, I'm sure, from direct Islamic scripture, there will be claims to which we both agree. I feel a "disagreement in the context in which the Quran and Sunnah were received" is a rather arbitrary excuse for our differences in opinion.
The modern world is a conglomeration of systems, laws and cultures which either coincide or clash with one another and form a sort of patchwork global community. Politics, economy and religion are just a minute handful of factors that lay weight to a given issue and a ruling such as the one proposed by Dr. Qadri can have implications on all of these issues and certainly, many others. Reciprocally though, our beliefs and judgement will vary because of these very things. His opinions, based around his position in Pakistani government, possibly his job, his background and his culture. Similarly all these factors will invariably have had an impact on MY opinions too.
  I rather fortunately, do not have the pressure of a government, media lobbies and an Islamic association behind me or coercing me to say any one thing or another. And I'm not explicitly saying that he has either...

But he might.

As I said though, there are undoubtedly things to which we both agree. The Oneness of Allah, the fact that the Prophet Mohammed was his last Messenger, that after him, there would be no other messenger of Allah. And then things more related to the issue at hand. As I said earlier, I agree that suicide bombing is abhorrent.

Be that as it may, I probably hold the same similarities with MOST muslims. That's a given. We aren't a pack of monsters. Most people would be aware of that, those who aren't, simply need to meet some Muslims. Preferably not the ones who reside in East London. Perhaps not the best caliber of Muslim given that we generally have whacked out haricuts, walk like limping twats and drive cars with tinted windows rolled down with the volume boomed up. This alone is enough to intimidate any rational person and, given the kind of music they blare out, could be considered ear rape- a form of terrorism.

But forgive the average teenage boy in East London. And look to perhaps those of the Muslim faith who actually practice their religion actively and prioritize it above all else and you'll find them to be wonderful people.

I say this because it would appear that Dr. Qadri's speech is designed for two purposes. One, to ensure the world of non muslims that muslims are peace loving people. And secondly to remind the muslims that they are peace loving people.

Now, to point out some issues I have with his speech...
Firstly, is he wearing a gold watch? Just a question. It has a golden tinge to it, though the youtube video isn't very clear.

Ok, I've pointed that out, so I'll get to some of the points he made. I'd like to highlight his insistence of using democracy as a way to resolve issues in Pakistan. I am all for democracy, I like it, I think it's wonderful. But then, I feel the same about pre-marital sex. Because I am not a great Muslim.

I do however, take issue with a person who is a "great Muslim", making statements which contradict the teachings of Islam. If a person does something bad, that's one thing. But to do something bad under the banner of Islam, that's another. And that's the message he's promoting, in essence. Do not do bad acts-suicide bombing- under the banned of Islam. Contrastingly though, he promotes an ideology that contradicts Islamic teaching- democracy- under the pretense that it is Islamic.

Now I say this, for you non-muslims who may be reading, because of this firm principle I hold. Hold your blazing pitchforks, I don't dislike democracy...

If you follow a religion, like Islam for instance, and your God has given you a set way to go about your life, (to go about governing a state, for example) then those should be the principals you uphold beyond any others. If you're in a position where you preach about Islam, then surely you should preach about Islam exactly as it is, not change or adjust any of it to suit the rest of the world. That is religion. It is the word of God, be it Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, each faith holds firm to the notion that the word of God is infallible.

Vis a vis, if Allah says there is a set way in which you should govern a state, have one leader, not elected by the general population through a vote but based on his Islamic knowledge and credentials as a trustworthy person, then that should be taken as the correct way. Regardless of how much better democracy may seem to people, FAITH means to trust in God and believe that we aren't omnipotent and his way is better, be it that we can see it or not.

The dear doctor goes on to explain what is lawful in war and when war is permissible in Islam.

But that's a whole other basket of eggs and it's like... 4.30 in the morning man! I'm not awake enough for this any more. Maybe some more tomorrow, or when I get the net back. Just to say though, this one was for you Mr. Fiesta driver... you've been asking for one for so long.

Now go do some work, you've had a long enough break!!


  1. I like your analysis. I really do. I think I may just post it up on a forum somewhere...

  2. This is possibly the most incoherent, disjointed and outright contradictory article I have ever had the misfortune of reading. I don't know what's worse about it; your arrogance or your cluelessness.
    I would hazard that your understanding of any of the issues, you have tried to touch upon, is limited at best and your objection/horror to Dr Q promoting democracy would be laughable if it weren't so abhorrent.
    One one hand you 'a Muslim' casually state you feel pre-marital sex is “wonderful” and on the other you are seemingly enraged by the Dr's Hypocrisy? The very fact that you feel able to comment after such a declaration only highlights your arrogance. He, a learned person with a leadership position, who with his words is trying to solve the issues of nations (Whether it is in a wholly Islamic manner is debatable but is that the debate that should be taking place?) and you, brazenly highlighting your hypocrisy; one which is solely for your own gratification.
    I would say go back and have look at what you've written when your not half asleep, but I don't know if this wreck is salvageable. Perhaps stick with anecdotes from more familiar territory.

  3. Is this dude trying to shut this blog down???
