Monday, 1 March 2010

Corporate Cock.

So I'm jacking a neighbor's wifi connection. But it's unsecured so... His/ her fault.
God, being at home without the internet is major suck-age. Time. Goes. So. Slowly.
This is like my dirty little fix for 15 minutes before I go down and pretend like I haven't been on the internet. Ahh! Guardian website!!!

Who's heard about that Serbian dude being tried for crimes against humanity, genocide and loads of other stuff because of all manner of evil thing's he's done to muslim Bosnians? Don't worry if you've missed it, the trials going to be carrying on for at least two years... By the time they've decided to actually convict him of anything he'll probably have died of natural causes. . .

I don't suppose any of you KNOW what a cintiq is, let alone know about the newest version, right? Well, as some of you may know, you can get graphics tablets for PCs. Essentially drawing tablets that register the images you draw on the pad onto your monitor. Well, a company called Wacom makes some of the best around. Their better tablets are known as Intuous and they're pretty damn cool. But Cintiq. . .

Cintiq is a screen in itself that you can draw directly onto.
And not just a crappy touch screen monitor. This has pressure sensitivity; 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity to be precise. It's able to register pen strokes with a gram of pressure.
The tilt of the pen can impact how the brush stroke is registered on the screen, the back of the pen is an eraser. If that's not enough, you can create and color in freakin' robotic suits of armor!

Hell, I literally copied those points straight from this video, check it out. It made me sort of squeal...

Actually, no I won't because I can't find the code to embed the video. Sucks.
Youtube it if it's got you all hot and flustered.

... Sheesh it's just a graphics tablet....

What else? The winter Olympics. Are over.

Flew by, huh? Anyone even pay any attention to them?
Damn man, if that's how quickly Olympic events come and go, has this whole hurrah about 2012 been worth it? Probably not, I AM however, looking forward to the aquatic center that's being built in Stratford. It's been designed by Zaha Hadid who is just an awesome architect. I mean COME ON, it's shaped like a WHALE!!! :O

I read a piece about Zaha Hadid in... The Guardian... I think... a few months back, and the article made me a little skeptical about her. Brought up as a rich girl with the freedom to do what she wanted where she wanted. Actually, I still feel the same about her, but I mean her work is just amazing.

Zaha Hadid and Norman Foster. Two awesome designers. Foster designed the Swiss RE building in London. You know, the Gherkin? The condom as someone named it last week or, as my brother said to me a few months after its construction, something that will stay with me forever:
"the corporate cock that rapes the London skyline".

I assume he wasn't too fond of it. I am though. I think the building looks fantastic and the view from the top... Phwoar. And the design elements! From the passive cooling using convection to the triangulated structure of it's perimeter... Wikipedia is so cool.

Anyway, my time here is up. I'll leave you to comment as you see fit. Ciao.


  1. Hmmm... I wonder what comment I should put on?

    How about:


    HAHA!!! LOL!!!


    Related to your new career...

    Although it would annoy you more if I was to put it on my MSN personal status and told others to follow suit :D

  3. Dude, no internet...
    What else? Oh yeah, the sound you're going to be making in your next career:


  4. I love that you remembered that line I said, that was years ago! I actually LOVE the building, I was just going through the angry little boy phase that seems to have hit you at the moment... I mean
    “the article made me a little skeptical about her. Brought up as a rich girl with the freedom to do what she wanted where she wanted.” - what does that even mean? J-U-S-T-I-F-Y!!!! (like a preacher)
